Thursday, June 12, 2014

Effective Stop Smoking Solutions That Really Do Work!

Don't let yourself get sucked into believing that smoking will always have a hold over you. There is no reason that you can't find something to help you break the cycle and quit. This article has shown you lots of suggestions. If you find one that looks interesting, what have you got to lose? Get to it.

To aid in smoking cessation, remove yourself from your circle of friends who smoke. Don't worry; this is just a temporary measure, but you really do need to do this. Constant exposure to cigarette smoke, plus the social aspect of smoking together, will automatically squash your hopes for success.

Switching to a e-cigarette may help you in the transition of quitting smoking for good. They are not as costly as you think and you can find coupons to help you save money. Remember you should not make this a permanent solution, but more of a temporary helping hand. StarFire Cigs is a great company and here are some StarFire Cigs coupons to save you a few bucks.

If you're trying to quit smoking, stopping "cold turkey" is a bad idea. Quitting without a means of support for nicotine withdrawal is an uphill battle. Because nicotine is addictive, it's very easy to relapse without some form of support when quitting. It's best to use smoking cessation medicine, or some type of therapy when you're ready to quit.

Make sure you have the right attitude. You can not take quitting as a deprivation. Instead, think of this process as a favor that you are doing for yourself. By quitting you are helping your body and making a healthier change that will in turn lead to a healthier happier you!

Your primary care physician can be a great resource if your are not able to quit smoking by yourself. Different medications, including antidepressants, can make quitting easier. You can also find out about other resources, such as support groups, that will help make it easier to give up smoking.

To keep yourself motivated to quit smoking, be clear about why you want to quit. While there are many good reasons to quit smoking, you want to focus on your most powerful, personal reasons. Every time you feel tempted, remind yourself how much you want to improve your health, save money or set a good example for your kids.

Have a friend or family member quit who smokes quit at the same time as you. Just like other things in life, such as losing weight, quitting is easier when someone else knows where you are coming from. The two of you can share tips or just vent to each other.

Join a support group to help you in your quest to quit smoking. A support group can commiserate with you about the difficulties that quitting smoking entails, and share their coping mechanisms. The leader of the group may also be able to teach you behavior modification techniques, or other strategies that can prove helpful.

Reward yourself for accomplishing a milestone and plan each reward in advance. Make a list of important goals and the rewards for reaching them. Put that list in a visual location so that you will see it every day. This will help give you strength during moments of weakness.

Having a fixed date for when you want to be done with smoking can give you something to focus on. Deadlines often make it easier to achieve a task, and quitting smoking is no different. If you tell yourself that you must quit by a certain date, you will make a greater effort to do so.

If you do not want to use nicotine replacement therapy to help you quit smoking, consider asking your doctor for a prescription. There are medications that can alter your brain chemistry and reduce your nicotine cravings. Taking one of these prescriptions may be just the aid you need to get you over the hump.

There isn't a lot of hope if you aren't at least trying. This article was full of great suggestions and information. Use it and read it as many times as you need. Keep coming back if necessary. Try and try again. Don't give up until you succeed and you will be so very glad you did.

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